Sunday, August 10, 2008

Austin's tonsillectomy!

Unfortunately this was Austin's 3rd time under anesthesia. The first was when he was 7 months old and had an adednoidectomy and tubes placed in his ears, the second when he had a sinus culture done and a cricoid biopsy, and the 3rd he had a tonsillectomy, tubes replaced in his ears, and also a sinus culture. Thankfully we didn't have to spend the night in the hospital, but once we got home and he threw up everywhere...I thought to myself...I would much rather be in the hospital right Austin has been very fussy since his surgery, we are on day 9 and he is still whiney! He is still his normal happy self...with some fussiness added. We really have to push fluids, because he doesn't want much of anything. Austin was placed on Amoxicillin and then a few days later the ENT nurse called and stated that his sinus culture came back and he has 3 bacteria growing, which required him to be on a combo of 2 antibiotics...Rocephin and Suprax. Let me tell you, it isn't easy giving a toddler medication. I honestly don't know how much he gets because somehow he brings it back up and spits some out...I would try to hide it in his drink, but I don't know that he will drink it all because his throat hurts. I am just going to be optimistic and say he will recover nicely and have no residual bacteria in his sinuses. Lets pray that Austin is done having surgery!

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